Office CleanUP 2007

An easy-to-use program for cleaning and repairing MS Office
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Latest version:
2.7 See all
Marx Softwareentwicklung
1 / 4
Awards (2)
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
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Microsoft Office is by far the most widely used suite of document management applications; so much so that there is even a version for Macintosh OS. Also, many applications have been developed for the Office interface, like contact managers, password recovery programs, file converters and so on. Nevertheless, these applications can crash sometimes, making it difficult or even impossible to use the MS Office application related to them. In those cases, a program like OfficeCleanUP comes in handy. This program allows you to fix almost any MS Office interface conflicts without affecting the MSO application. You can do this automatically or manually, choosing the options you want to reset. The automatic option detects all the possible errors and asks you if you want to correct them. If you discover that you deleted some harmless configuration after resetting, you have nothing to worry about, since the program saves the old configuration and lets you recover it.
The intuitive interface of the program allows you to manage the add-ins of all MS Office programs directly from its interface, so you don't need to configure each program one by one. Also, it is possible to change the default folders of all the Office programs, or of any of them individually. You can evaluate a fully functional version of the program during 30 days. Also, there is a newer version that you can download at the developer's site.

VH Senior editor
Victor Hernandez
Editor rating:

Review summary


  • User-friendly
  • A good amount of utilities


  • English translation of the interface is not so good



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  • Microsoft cleanup app
  • Office clean up tool
  • Office projekt app
  • Office xp clean tool
  • Cleanup installer
  • Cleanup microsoft office
  • Microsoft office cleanup tool
  • Download frontpage 2007
  • Microsoft office frontpage 2007